WangYuan 研究業績一覧 (23件)
Hiroki Matsume,
Yuan Wang,
Hideaki Ishii,
Xavier Défago.
Mixed self/event-triggered ternary control for resilient consensus against mobile adversarial agents,
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, Special Issue on Event-triggered and Self-triggered Control,,
Vol. 52,
No. 101473,
Feb. 2024.
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii,
F. Bonnet,
X. Defago.
Resilient real-valued consensus in spite of mobile malicious agents on directed graphs,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Vol. 33,
No. 3,
pp. 586-603,
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii,
F. Bonnet,
X. Defago.
Resilient consensus for multi-agent systems under adversarial spreading processes,
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering,
Vol. 9,
No. 5,
pp. 3316-3331,
H. Ishii,
Y. Wang,
S. Feng.
An overview on multi-agent consensus under adversarial attacks,
Annual Reviews in Control, Special Section on Learning and Control for Multi-agent Systems,
Vol. 53,
pp. 252-272,
H. Matsume,
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii.
Resilient self/event-triggered consensus based on ternary control,
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems,
Vol. 42,
Art. No. 101091,
Nov. 2021.
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii.
An event-triggered approach to quantized resilient consensus,
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Special Issue on Privacy and Security of Cyber-Physical Systems,
Vol. 30,
No. 11,
pp. 4188-4204,
July 2020.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Y. Wang,
C. Liu,
H. Ishii,
K. H. Johansson.
Resilient distributed optimization under mobile malicious attacks,
Proc. 22nd IFAC World Congress,
July 2023.
T. Masada,
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii.
Resilient consensus in opinion dynamics under adversarial epidemics,
Proc. 22nd IFAC World Congress,
July 2023.
Y. Wang,
S. Gracy,
C. Uribe,
H Ishii,
K. H. Johansson.
A state feedback controller for mitigation of continuous-time networked SIS epidemics,
Proc. 4th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical & Human-Systems (CPHS'22),
Dec. 2022.
H. Matsume,
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii,
X. Defago.
Self-triggered ternary control for resilient consensus against mobile adversarial agents,
Proc. 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Dec. 2022.
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii,
Francois Bonnet,
X. Defago.
Resilient consensus against epidemic malicious attacks,
Proc. European Control Conference,
pp. 1387-1392,
June 2021.
Y. Wang,
S. Gracy,
H. Ishii,
K. H. Johansson.
Suppressing the endemic equilibrium in SIS epidemics: A state dependent approach,
Proc. 11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems (BMS'21),
H. Matsume,
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii.
Resilient self/event-triggered consensus based on ternary control,
Proc. 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Dec. 2020.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
H. Ishii,
Y. Wang,
S. Feng.
An overview on multi-agent consensus under adversarial attacks,
10th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND'22),
Yuan Wang,
Hideaki Ishii,
Francois Bonnet,
Xavier Défago.
Resilient Consensus against Mobile Malicious Agents,
SICE International Symposium on Control Systems,
Mar. 2020.
Yuan Wang,
Hideaki Ishii.
Resilient Consensus through Asynchronous Event-Based Communication,
SICE International Symposium on Control Systems (ISCS),
Mar. 2019.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Yuan Wang,
第10回計測自動制御学会 制御部門マルチシンポジウム,
Mar. 2023.
Yuan Wang,
第9回計測自動制御学会 制御部門マルチシンポジウム,
Mar. 2022.
Yuan Wang,
Mar. 2021.
Y. Wang,
H. Ishii,
Francois Bonnet,
X. Defago.
Resilient Consensus Against Epidemic Malicious Attacks,
Mar. 2021.
Resilient Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems with Limited Resources,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Resilient Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems with Limited Resources,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Resilient Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems with Limited Resources,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Academic),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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