研究業績一覧 (2件)
Yoshimasa Yamamoto,
Kota Endo,
Quentin Tévenot,
Kenichiro Kosugi,
Ken Nakajima,
Seiichi Kawahara*.
Entropic and Energetic Elasticities of Natural Rubber with a Nanomatrix Structure,
Volume 36,
Issue 38,
Page 11341–11348,
Aug. 2020.
Yasukatsu Kenmochi,
Ryota Tani,
Ryuta Nishi,
Kotaro Endo,
Daisuke Fukuda.
Predicting travel pattern changes of freight trucks in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area based on the latest large-scale urban freight survey and route choice modeling.,
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.,
Dec. 2017.
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