研究業績一覧 (4件)
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Pankaj Attri,
Takamasa Okumura,
Kazunori Koga,
Nozomi Takeuchi,
Kunihiro Kamataki,
Naho Itagaki,
Masaharu Shiratani.
Plasma induced conversion of CO2 with water to useful compounds,
GEC 2022/ICRP-11/SPP-40/SPSM35,
Oct. 2022.
Pankaj Attri,
Kazunori Koga,
Takamasa Okumura,
Nozomi Takeuchi,
Masaharu Shiratani.
Green route for the production of nitrogen fertilizer: A step towards decentralization of fertilizer production,
Proceedings of ISPlasma2022/IC-PLANTS2022,
Mar. 2022.
Pankaj Attri,
Kazunori Koga,
Takamasa Okumura,
Nozomi Takeuchi,
Kenji Ishikawa,
Masaharu Shiratani.
Possible role of functionalized nitrogen in the plasma agriculture,
The 11th International Symposium on Plasma Bioscience,
Proceedings of The 11th International Symposium on Plasma Bioscience,
Nov. 2021.
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