author = {塩尻大士 and 吉田彬 and 土嶺信男 and 小粥啓子 and 淀徳男 and 金子 智 and 松田 晃史 and 吉本 護},
title = {PLD法によるGa2O3薄膜結晶成長に及ぼす雰囲気及び温度依存性},
booktitle = {第61回 応用物理学会 春季学術講演会 講演予稿集},
year = 2014,
author = {daishi shiojiri and Akira Yoshida and Naoya Inoue and Satoru Kaneko and Akifumi Matsuda and MAMORU YOSHIMOTO},
title = {Nanoscale Surface Patterning of α-Al2O3 Substrates by Way of Room-temperature Homoepitaxial Growth for Development of High-performance Devices},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,
author = {吉田彬 and 山内涼輔 and 譚ゴオン and 土嶺信男 and 舟窪浩 and 金子智 and 松田晃史 and 吉本護},
title = {PLD法を用いたエピタキシャル雲母薄膜の作製条件の検討},
booktitle = {},
year = 2013,