author = {S. Savitha Pillai and H. Kojima and M. Itoh and T. Taniyama},
title = {Lateral electric-field control of giant magnetoresistance in Co/Cu/Fe/BaTiO3 multiferroic heterostructure},
journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.},
year = 2015,
author = {H. Kojima and T. Naito and H. Muraoka and E. Wada and I. Suzuki and Y. Shirahata and M. Itoh and T.Taniyama},
title = {Electric field driven variation in magnetoresistance of Co/Cu/Fe/BaTiO3 heterostructure},
journal = {J. Appl. Phys.},
year = 2013,
author = {谷山 智康 and 飯島 諒介 and 鈴木 一平 and 小嶋 秀和 and Suseela Savitha Pillai and 伊藤 満},
title = {ヘテロ構造系マルチフェロイクにおける磁気秩序・スピン偏極の電界制御},
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