BAYUINDRAWAN S 研究業績一覧 (9件)
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Muhammad Kunta Biddinika,
Bayu Indrawan,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Koji Tokimatsu,
Fumitake Takahashi.
Measuring the readability of Indonesian biomass websites: The ease of understanding biomass energy information on websites in the Indonesian language,
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
Vol. 59,
pp. 1349-1357,
June 2016.
Bayu Indrawan,
Pandji Prawisudha,
Kunio Yoshikawa.
Chlorine-free solid fuel production from municipal solid waste by hydrothermal process,
Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy,
Vol. 90,
No. 12,
pp. 1177-1182,
Dec. 2011.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Tri Sesilia,
Bayu Indrawan,
Kunio Yoshikawa.
Commercial Demonstration of Solid Fuel Production from Municipal Solid Waste Employing the Hydrothermal Treatment,
2017 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable,
Apr. 2017.
Muhammad Kunta Biddinika,
Bayu Indrawan,
Kunio Yoshikawa,
Koji Tokimatsu,
Fumitake Takahashi.
Renewable energy on the internet: The readability of Indonesian biomass websites,
6th International Conference on Applied Energy "ICAE2014",
Energy Procedia,
Vol. 61,
pp. 1376-1379,
Dec. 2014.
Bayu Indrawan,
Pandji Prawisudha,
Kunio Yoshikawa.
Chlorine-Free Solid Fuel Production from MSW by Hydrothermal Process: Water-washing and Combustion Characteristic of the Produced Fuel,
2011 IPE-TITECH-KIMM Joint Symposium - Solid Wastes to Energy and Materials -,
Dec. 2011.
Bayu Indrawan,
Pandji Prawisudha,
Kunio Yoshikawa.
Chlorine-Free Solid Fuel Production from Municipal Solid Waste by Hydrothermal Treatment Technology,
TITech/IPE/KIMM Symposium 2010,
Dec. 2010.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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