author = {H. Kurokawa and K. Yoshimatsu and Osami Sakata and A. Ohtomo},
title = {Effects of phase fraction on superconductivity of low-valence eutectic titanate films},
journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
year = 2017,
author = {A. Ohtomo and Hisanori Mashiko and Mifuyu Niwa and Hikaru Kurokawa and Kohei Yoshimatsu},
title = {Electrochemically active metal-oxide devices},
booktitle = {},
year = 2018,
author = {黒川 輝 and 吉松 公平 and 大友 明},
title = {TiO,Ti2O3,γ -Ti3O5 共晶薄膜の超伝導},
booktitle = {},
year = 2016,
author = {黒川 輝 and 吉松 公平 and 大島 孝仁 and 大友 明},
title = {Ti2O3 エピタキシャル薄膜の合成と異方性伝導},
booktitle = {},
year = 2015,