KalimuldinaGulnur Seri 研究業績一覧 (16件)
Gulnur Kalimuldina,
Izumi Taniguch.
Sulfur-rich CuS1+x cathode for lithium batteries,
Materials Letters,
Vol. 282,
Jan. 2021.
Assyl Adylkhanova,
Arailym Nurpeissova,
Desmond Adair,
Zhumabay Bakenov,
Izumi Taniguchi,
Gulnur Kalimuldina.
Facile Synthesis of Binder-Free Three-Dimensional CuxS Nanoflowers for Lithium Batteries,
Frontiers in Energy Research,
Vol. 8,
# 154,
Aug. 2020.
G. Kalimuldina,
I. Taniguchi.
Electrochemical Characterization of Non-stoichiometric Cu2Sx Cathode for Lithium Batteries,
J. Solid State Electrochem.,
Vol. 21,
pp. 3057-3063,
Oct. 2017.
G. Kalimuldina,
I. Taniguchi.
Electrochemical Properties of Stoichiometric CuS Coated on Carbon Fiber paper and Cu Foil Current Collectors as Cathode Material for Lithium Batteries,
J. Mater. Chem. A,
Vol. 5,
pp. 6937-6946,
Aug. 2017.
G. Kalimuldina,
I. Taniguchi.
High Performance Stoichiometric Cu2S Cathode on Carbon Fiber Current Collector for Lithium Batteries,
Electrochim. Acta,
Vol. 224,
pp. 329-336,
May 2017.
G. Kalimuldina,
I. Taniguchi.
Synthesis and Electrochemical Characterization of Stoichiometric Cu2S as Cathode Material with High Rate Capability for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries,
Vol. 331,
pp. 258-266,
Feb. 2016.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Gulnur Kalimuldina,
Izumi Taniguchi.
Electrochemical Characterization of Cu2S Cathode Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis with Heat Treatment,
Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science,
Oct. 2016.
Gulnur Kalimuldina,
Izumi Taniguchi.
Electrochemical Properties of CuS Cathode Material for Lithium Rechargeable Batteries Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis,
Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science,,
Oct. 2016.
Gulnur Kalimuldina,
Izumi Taniguchi.
Synthesis of Stoichiometric Cu2S by Spray Pyrolysis Followed by Heat Treatment and Its Electrochemical Properties,
The 18th International Meeting on Lithium Batteries,
June 2016.
Gulnur Kalimuldina,
Spray pyrolysis synthesis of Cu2S as cathode material for rechargeable lithium battery,
The 9th Asian Aerosol Conference,
Abstract of the 9th Asian Aerosol Conference,
June 2015.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
Gulnur Kalimuldina,
Nurpeissova Arailym,
Adylkhanova Assyl,
Adair Desmond,
Zhumabay bakenov.
Morphology and Dimension Variations of Copper Sulfide for High-Performance Electrode in Rechargeable Batteries : A Review,
ACS Applied Energy Materials,
ACS publications,
Vol. 3,
pp. 11480-11499,
Nov. 2020.
Study of rechargeable lithium batteries with copper sulfides used as cathode materials,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Study of rechargeable lithium batteries with copper sulfides used as cathode materials,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Study of rechargeable lithium batteries with copper sulfides used as cathode materials,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Study of rechargeable lithium batteries with copper sulfides used as cathode materials,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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