@article{CTT100830088, author = {"M.S. Hadi" and "N. Sugii" and "H. Wakabayashi" and "K. Tsutsui" and "H. Iwai" and "K. Kakushima"}, title = {Resistive switching properties of a thin SiO2 layer with CeOx buffer layer on n+ and p+ Si bottom electrodes}, journal = {Microelectronics Reliability}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100830371, author = {"Mokh Hadi" and "Shinichi Kano" and "Kuniyuki Kakushima" and "Yoshinori Kataoka" and "Akira Nishiyama" and "Nobuyuki Sugii" and "Hitoshi Wakabayashi" and "Kazuo Tsutsui" and "Kenji Natori" and "Hiroshi Iwai"}, title = {A resistive switching device based on breakdown and anodic reoxidization of thin SiO2 on Si-based Electrodes using CeOx buffer layer}, journal = {Semiconductor Science and Technology}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100672405, author = {unknown unknown and 竇春萌 and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and パールハットアヘメト and 片岡好則 and 西山彰 and Nobuyuki Sugii and Hitoshi Wakabayashi and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {A study on Resistive Memory based on Breakdown and Anodic Reoxidation of thin SiO2 on NiSi2 Electrode with CeOx Buffer Layer}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100658131, author = {unknown unknown and shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and Akira Nishiyama and Nobuyuki Sugii and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Resistive Switching Device using Ce-oxide with Ni-silicide Electrodes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100658132, author = {unknown unknown and shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and Akira Nishiyama and Nobuyuki Sugii and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Resistive Switching Device using Ce-oxide with Ni-silicide Electrodes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100658330, author = {shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and unknown unknown and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and パールハットアヘメト and Akira Nishiyama and Nobuyuki Sugii and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Transient Switching Characteristics of Ce-oxide Resistive Switching Devices}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100660888, author = {unknown unknown and shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and パールハットアヘメト and 片岡好則 and Akira Nishiyama and Nobuyuki Sugii and Hitoshi Wakabayashi and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {A Proposal of a Forming-Free Resistive Switching Memory based on Breakdown and Anodic Reoxidation of thin SiO2 on NiSi2 Electrode using CeOx Buffer Layer}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100657453, author = {shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and unknown unknown and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and パールハットアヘメト and Akira Nishiyama and Nobuyuki Sugii and KAZUO TSUTSUI and 片岡好則 and Kenji Natori and Miranda Enrique and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Influence electrode materials on CeOx based resistive switching}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100658129, author = {unknown unknown and shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and Akira Nishiyama and Nobuyuki Sugii and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Resistive Switching Device using Ce-oxide with Ni-silicide Electrodes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100654585, author = {shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and unknown unknown and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and パールハットアヘメト and Akira Nishiyama and 杉井信之 and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Impact of metal electrode material on resistive switching properties of Ce oxides}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100658130, author = {unknown unknown and shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and Ahmet Parhat and Akira Nishiyama and Nobuyuki Sugii and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Resistive Switching Device using Ce-oxide with Ni-silicide Electrodes}, booktitle = {}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100830553, author = {S. Kano and C. Dou and M. Hadi and K. Kakushima and P. Ahmet and A. Nishiyama and N. Sugii and K. Tsutsui and Y. Kataoka and K. Natori and E. Miranda and T. Hattori and H. Iwai}, title = {Influence of Electrode Material for CaOx Based Resistive Switching}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100657214, author = {shinichi kano and 竇春萌 and unknown unknown and Kuniyuki KAKUSHIMA and パールハットアヘメト and Akira Nishiyama and Nobuyuki Sugii and KAZUO TSUTSUI and Kenji Natori and takeo hattori and HIROSHI IWAI}, title = {Impact of metal electrode material on resistive swirching properties of Ce oxides}, booktitle = {}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100628847, author = {叶真一 and MokhammadSholihul Hadi and 竇春萌 and 角嶋邦之 and パールハットアヘメト and 筒井一生 and 西山彰 and 杉井信之 and 名取研二 and 服部健雄 and 岩井洋}, title = {希土類酸化物(CeOX)を用いたMIM構造の抵抗スイッチング特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2011, } @misc{CTT100737315, author = {Mokhammad Sholihul Hadi}, title = {A New Resistive Switching Based on Breakdown and Anodic Re-Oxidation of Thin SiO2 at the Interface of CeOx Buffer Layer and Silicon Related Bottom Electrodes}, year = 2016, } @misc{CTT100737374, author = {Mokhammad Sholihul Hadi}, title = {A New Resistive Switching Based on Breakdown and Anodic Re-Oxidation of Thin SiO2 at the Interface of CeOx Buffer Layer and Silicon Related Bottom Electrodes}, year = 2016, } @misc{CTT100737339, author = {Mokhammad Sholihul Hadi}, title = {A New Resistive Switching Based on Breakdown and Anodic Re-Oxidation of Thin SiO2 at the Interface of CeOx Buffer Layer and Silicon Related Bottom Electrodes}, year = 2016, } @phdthesis{CTT100737315, author = {Mokhammad Sholihul Hadi}, title = {A New Resistive Switching Based on Breakdown and Anodic Re-Oxidation of Thin SiO2 at the Interface of CeOx Buffer Layer and Silicon Related Bottom Electrodes}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2016, } @phdthesis{CTT100737374, author = {Mokhammad Sholihul Hadi}, title = {A New Resistive Switching Based on Breakdown and Anodic Re-Oxidation of Thin SiO2 at the Interface of CeOx Buffer Layer and Silicon Related Bottom Electrodes}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2016, } @phdthesis{CTT100737339, author = {Mokhammad Sholihul Hadi}, title = {A New Resistive Switching Based on Breakdown and Anodic Re-Oxidation of Thin SiO2 at the Interface of CeOx Buffer Layer and Silicon Related Bottom Electrodes}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2016, }