Publication List - Kultip Suwanteep (3 / 11 entries)
Journal Paper
Abdek Mahamoud Abdi,
Takehiko Murayama,
Shigeo Nishikizawa,
Kultip Suwanteep.
Social Acceptance and Associated risks of Geothermal Energy Development in East-Africa: Perspectives from Geothermal Energy Developers,
Clean Energy Journal - Oxford University Press,
June 2024.
Official location
Abdek Mahamoud Abdi,
Takehiko Murayama,
Shigeo Nishikizawa,
Kultip Suwanteep,
Obuya Mariita Nicholas.
Determinants of community acceptance of geothermal energy projects: A case study on a geothermal energy project in Kenya,
Renewable Energy Focus,
June 2024.
Official location
Domestic Conference (Reviewed)
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