Publication List - Kyohei Okubo (3 / 84 entries)
Journal Paper
Wibias Muliawan,
Kyohei Okubo,
Yoshitaka Kitamoto.
Effect of interparticle and inter-cluster dipole–dipole interactions on dynamic behavior of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles modified with citric acid,
Journal of Applied Physics,
AIP Publishing,
Vol. 136,
Aug. 2024.
Official location
Thi Kim Dung Doan,
Masakazu Umezawa,
Kyohei Okubo,
Masao Kamimura,
Kohei Soga.
Enhancing near-infrared fluorescence intensity and stability of PLGA-b-PEG micelles by introducing Gd-DOTA at the core boundary,
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials,
Vol. 112,
Issue 1,
Jan. 2024.
Official location
Domestic Conference (Not reviewed / Unknown)
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