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Takuya Oki Researcher Information

Family Name 沖  Oki 
First Name 拓弥  Takuya 
Organization Institute of Science Tokyo School of Environment and Society
ResearcherID C-7076-2015
Degree Evaluation of Disaster Mitigation Measures in Densely Built-up Wooden Residential Areas by Human Behavior Simulation Considering Property Damage in a Large Earthquake,  Summary,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2018/01/31,   
Evaluation of Disaster Mitigation Measures in Densely Built-up Wooden Residential Areas by Human Behavior Simulation Considering Property Damage in a Large Earthquake,  Thesis,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2018/01/31,   
Evaluation of Disaster Mitigation Measures in Densely Built-up Wooden Residential Areas by Human Behavior Simulation Considering Property Damage in a Large Earthquake,  Exam Summary,  Doctor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology,  2018/01/31,   
密集市街地における大地震時の避難危険度,  Bachelor (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology, 
木造住宅密集地域における大地震時の避難困難に関する研究,  Master (Engineering),  Tokyo Institute of Technology, 
Research Highlight Takuya Oki, Nanoka Komatsu. Newspaper. 2024-2024.
掲載紙 :日本経済新聞 朝刊
掲載日 :2024年1月24日
掲載題目:東京都大田区、AIで空き家判別 文京区は除却費補助 東京「負動産」を動かす㊥.

Takuya Oki, Nanoka Komatsu. TV news. 2024-2024.

Takuya Oki, Kenji Wakabayashi. Newspaper. 2024-2024.
掲載紙 :読売新聞 朝刊
掲載日 :2024年9月30日
掲載面 :28ページ目
掲載題目:東京科学大 次世代薬開発に期待 成長分野 研究力向上へ.

Takuya Oki, Nanoka Komatsu, Yujia Yao. Newspaper. 2023-2023.
掲載紙 :読売新聞 朝刊
掲載日 :2023年11月14日
掲載面 :29ページ目 地域(東京)
掲載題目:空き家判別AIの目 大田区と東工大開発中.

Related Page
Homepage of Takuya OKI Lab.http://www.arch.titech.ac.jp/okiLab/
Google Scholarhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2djIozwAAAAJ&hl=ja

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