Publication List - Yilin Huang (2 / 4 entries)
Journal Paper
Yilin Huang,
Tsuyoshi Kinouchi.
Revealing Decadal Glacial Changes and Lake Evolution in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia: A Semi-Automated Landsat Imagery Analysis,
Remote Sensing,
Mar. 2024.
Official location
Ma, J.,
Zhou, M.,
Peng, Y.,
Tuo, Y.,
Zhou, C.,
Liu, K.,
Huang, Y.,
He, F.,
Lai, Q.,
Zhang, Z.,
Kinouchi, T.,
Li, S.,
Xu, X.,
Wu, X.,
Lin, X.,
Li, W.,
Wang, G..
Instability in a carbon pool driven by multiple dissolved organic matter sources in a eutrophic lake basin: Potential factors for increased greenhouse gas emissions,
Journal of Environmental Management,
Vol. 350,
Jan. 2024.
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