Publication List - Yu Kumagai (3 / 152 entries)
Journal Paper
Aoi Matsuda,
Takeshi Aihara,
Shin Kiyohara,
Yu Kumagai,
Michikazu Hara,
Keigo Kamata.
Copper Phosphate Nanostructures as Catalysts for the Direct Methane Oxidation,
ACS Applied Nano Materials,
Vol. 7,
Apr. 2024.
Official location
Aoi Matsuda,
Takeshi Aihara,
Shin Kiyohara,
Yu Kumagai,
Michikazu Hara,
Keigo Kamata.
Copper Phosphate Nanostructures as Catalysts for the Direct Methane Oxidation,
ACS Applied Nano Materials,
Vol. 7,
Apr. 2024.
Official location
Domestic Conference (Not reviewed / Unknown)
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