Publication List - Ryo Sakamoto (4 / 5 entries)
Journal Paper
International Conference (Reviewed)
International Conference (Not reviewed / Unknown)
Horhok Lim,
Mitsuyasu Iwanami,
Kazuhide Nakayama,
Ryo Sakamoto.
Influence of Pore Structure Transformation Induced by Cement Addition on Drying Shrinkage Properties of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer,
10th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development and Performance (AMDP2024),
Sept. 2024.
Ryo Sakamoto,
Nobuhiro Chijiwa,
Kentaro Saito,
Kazuhide Nakayama,
CheChia Kang.
Development of New Concrete Building Material with Excellent Radio Wave Permeability,
Joseph Aspdin 200 International Symposium, Innovations in Binder Technology,
July 2024.
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