LINKeren 研究業績一覧 (18件)
Keren Lin,
Thijs van der Gaag,
Wataru Kikuchi,
Hiroshi Akatsuka,
Motoshi Goto.
OES diagnostics of atmospheric pressure argon plasma: Electron temperature and density assessment through visible bremsstrahlung inversion method and collisional-radiative model,
Applied Physics Letters,
AIP Publishing,
Vol. 124,
Issue 23,
June 2024.
Keren Lin,
Motoshi Goto,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Improved Line Intensity Analysis of Neutral Helium by Incorporating the Reabsorption Processes in a Helium Collisional-Radiative Model,
Vol. 11,
Issue 6,
p. 94,
June 2023.
Keren Lin,
Atsushi Nezu,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Development of diagnostics of electron density and temperature for atmospheric-pressure helium plasma based on optical emission spectroscopy analysis and a collisional-radiative model,
IOP Publishing,
Vol. 62,
No. SL,
p. SL1005,
May 2023.
Keren Lin,
Atsushi Nezu,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Optical emission spectroscopy diagnosis of low-pressure microwave discharge helium plasma based on collisional-radiative model,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,
IOP Publishing,
Vol. 61,
No. 11,
p. 116001,
Aug. 2022.
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Keren Lin,
Shinji Yoshimura,
Motoshi Goto,
Wataru Kikuchi,
Jun Enomoto,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Development and Measurement of a Gas Temperature Controllable Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet System for Plasma Bio Research,
The 45th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2024),
Proc. the 45th International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2024),
International Symposium on Dry Process Organizing Committee,
pp. 117-118,
Nov. 2024.
Keren Lin,
Atsushi Nezu,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Optical Emission Spectroscopy Diagnostics of Electron Density and Temperature for Atmospheric-Pressure Helium Plasma Based on a Collisional- Radiative Model,
25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25),
Porceedings of 25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC25),
International Organizing Committee of ISPC25,
Keren LIN,
Atsushi NEZU,
Diagnostics of Electron Density and Temperature of Atmospheric Pressure Helium Plasma with Revise Collisional-Radiative Model Includes Atomic Collision Processes,
75th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference/11th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas,
Proc. 77th GEC/11th ICRP,
American Physical Society,
pp. 17-18,
Oct. 2022.
Keren Lin,
Atsushi Nezu,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Diagnosis of Electron Density and Temperature of Atmospheric Pressure Helium Plasma Based on Collisional-Radiative Model,
The 12th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-12),
Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-12),
Program Committee of APSPT12,
Dec. 2021.
Keren Lin,
Atsushi Nezu,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Diagnostics of Electron Density and Temperature of Atmospheric Pressure Helium Plasma Based on Collisional-Radiative Model,
42nd International Symposium on Dry Process,
Proceedings of 42nd International Symposium on Dry Process,
Program Committee of 42nd International Symposium on Dry Process,
pp. 61-62,
Nov. 2021.
国内会議発表 (査読有り)
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Shinji Yoshimura,
Keren Lin,
Wataru Kikuchi,
Jun Enomoto,
Motoshi Goto,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Development and measurement of a gas temperature controllable atmospheric-pressure plasma jet system for plasma bio research,
77th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference,
Bulletin of the American Physical Society,
American Physical Society,
Sept. 2024.
Keren Lin,
Motoshi Goto,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Improvements on Line Intensity Analysis of Neutral Helium by Incorporating the Reabsorption Processes in the Helium Collisional-Radiative Model,
The 31st International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC31),
Book of Abstract, The 31st International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC31),
National Institute of Fusion Science,
Nov. 2022.
Keren Lin,
Atsushi Nezu,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Development of Atmospheric Pressure Helium Collisional-Radiative Model by Including Atomic Collisions,
74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC2021),
Bulletin of the American Physical Society,
The American Physical Society,
Oct. 2021.
国内会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
Keren Lin,
Thijs van der Gaag,
Wataru Kikuchi,
Hiroshi Akatsuka,
Motoshi Goto.
Progress in OES Diagnostics of Atmospheric Pressure Argon Plasma: Electron Temperature and Density Assessment through Visible Bremsstrahlung Inversion method and Collisional-Radiative Model,
2023 nifs Atomic Process Workshop,
Proc. 2023 nifs Atomic Process Workshop,
Atomic-molecular data forum,
Feb. 2023.
Keren Lin,
Atsushi Nezu,
Hiroshi Akatsuka.
Electron Temperature and Number Density Diagnostics of Low-Pressure Microwave Discharge Helium Plasma by Optical Emission Spectroscopy Based on Collisional Radiative Model,
Technical Meeting of Electrical Discharges, Plasma and Pulsed Power, IEE Japan,
The Papers of Technical Meeting on"Electrical Discharges, Plasma and Pulsed Power",IEE Japan,
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan,
pp. 1-6,
July 2020.
Advancements in Collisional-Radiative Models for Electron Density and Temperature Determination in Helium Plasma Using Optical Emission Spectroscopy Diagnostics,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Advancements in Collisional-Radiative Models for Electron Density and Temperature Determination in Helium Plasma Using Optical Emission Spectroscopy Diagnostics,
Exam Summary,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Advancements in Collisional-Radiative Models for Electron Density and Temperature Determination in Helium Plasma Using Optical Emission Spectroscopy Diagnostics,
Doctor (Engineering),
Tokyo Institute of Technology,
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