後藤哲也 研究業績一覧 (4件)
国際会議発表 (査読有り)
Shunnya Yamamoto,
Anna Gubarevich,
Katsumi Yoshida,
Tetsuya Goto,
Akinobu Teramoto.
Plasma irradiation behavior of Y-Al-O ceramics,
42nd International Symposium on Dry Process (DPS2021),
Nov. 2021.
High-Speed Gas Replacement in Plasma Process Chamber due to Precise Down-Flow of Gas Using a Upper Shower Plate,
30th International Symposium on Dry Process,
Dry Process International Symposium (DPS2008),
30th International Symposium on Dry Process,
pp. 63-64,
Nov. 2008.
Sadaharu Morishita,
Tetsuya Goto,
Takashi Ito,
Tadahiro Ohmi.
Study on Gas Replacement Time in Plasma Process Chamber for Realizing Ideal Down Flow of Gas without Disturbance,
Int. Symp. on Semicon. Manufacturing 2008 (ISSM2008),
Int. Symp. on Semicon. Manufacturing 2008 (ISSM2008),
Int. Symp. on Semicon. Manufacturing 2008 (ISSM2008),
pp. 177-180,
Oct. 2008.
国際会議発表 (査読なし・不明)
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